Karen TeichCluster - Snow Whites' Got the Blues
  • 10 years ago
Fairy tales and wishing wells
And knights in shining armor;
Kiss a frog and dream a prince
And hope a little longer.

Rainbow castles in the sky
And carriages of gold;
Happily ever after was a dream once,
she was told.

Cinderella doesn't dance
Her babies need new shoes;
Red Riding Hoods' lost again
And Snow Whites' got the blues.

Midnight comes too early,
The laundry's still not done.
Say a prayer and close her eyes
And start again with the morning sun.

Cinderella doesn't dance,
Her babies need new shoes;
Red Riding Hood is lost again
And even Snow Whites' got the blues.

Cinderella doesn't dance......


Karen TeichCluster
