Psychic Christopher Golden GURU

  • 10 years ago
The world is filled with equal parts of love and cruelty. And so too is our individual psyches. The planet will not be in balance until we as individuals find our balance. My guru taught me to let the world be as it is. What other choice do I have anyway, he said. I was taught to look for love and how to find it, in all areas of my life. I was taught this by my sacred teacher. How I found an enlightened master such as him is a crazy story. Life is a crazy story – all of it is. How life began is crazy. How our individual lives began is crazy. It’s all crazy and it’s all a story. This is my story. I went online and I Googled psychics because I was looking for someone who could help me save the relationship I had with my boyfriend. I ended up on a webpage for a Beverly Hills psychic. It was called psychic, . I ended up speaking to Psychic Christopher Golden. I spoke to him several times over the course of a few weeks. And during that time, Psychic Christopher Golden changed my life. How could an online psychic become the most holy person I had ever met? Maybe that’s just how it was meant to be. Maybe that’s part of my crazy story or all of my crazy stories existed to lead me to this place. I love my guru as he has given me life. He has given me a reason to live and to love. He has restored my faith in humanity and my faith in myself. He has shown me the path to God. I want to say this, to record this and put it out into the world. I want the world to know that Psychic Christopher Golden is a man of God and to me he is the embodiment of true love. He exudes love. He points to people in the direction of love. He has shown me the love within myself I never knew was there. I am full. I am complete. My new life has only just started and I owe everything to my great teacher, Psychic Christopher Golden.


