Preparing for the Pope in the Holy Land

  • 10 years ago
Preparations are underway to welcome Pope Francis to Jerusalem on his first visit to the region since becoming pontiff.

The Pope is due to tour the Holy Land from May 24 through 26th, visiting Jordan, the West Bank and Jerusalem.

The red carpet is being rolled out in Jerusalem. And security is very tight. The Israeli police say they are leaving nothing to chance.


"The significance and the importance of the visit both on a political, a religious, and a security level, and therefore all of our different units both the border police, undercover units, helicopter units and with the use of 320 security cameras in and around the Old City will be securing the Pope visit throughout the areas and all of the places where he will be visiting."

In Bethlehem they are preparing a gift for the Pope at the Christian Ecumenical Foundation.

Regional Director Anthony Habash.

