Short epk canada show case

  • 17 years ago
Paula Ajala King is an American singer/songwriter/producer, composing songs for herself, other artists, and labels as well. Performing since the age of 9, Paula-Ajala King has released three singles, been included in 2 internationally released compilations , and performed internationally with various urban indie groups. Paula-Ajala music calls Peace, while mixing a European sensibility with exotic American flavor. Her international performances include; France, Germany, London, Ireland, Canada...etc.

Recent concerts include; ("Reverb" in Toronto Canada, Canal Opus, La Cigale, House of Live, The Man Ray, Les Bains Douches…etc.) Live USA TV appearances include, MTV "12 Angry Viewers". In France, "Jacque a dit" et "The Abou Show", where she was acknowledged by the audience and celebrity guest, as their “favourite” of 5 artist participating on the show; and in Canada, "Yacking with Faze". A self-taught guitarist, Paula is truly an artist that amazes, inspires, and matures with each performance.

In 2007 Paula Ajala combined forces with Dj Kurser, who composed and realised four titles on the album "Cinquième As" for Mc Solaar. That album sold 850.000 copies, placed 5th on the French top 50 chart, and won a Victoire de la Musique. Dj Kurser, currently with EMI, has realised two of her songs"Be the Light" and "Screaming." With Claude Moieses, she has also created the group "Fade Out." Together they will tour to promote Paula Ajala's album to come "Be The Light", starting in Toronto for Canadian Music Week. Before signing with a label, Paula-Ajala King is proving herself as a serious artist with staying power.
