Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) service in United Arab Emirates

  • 10 years ago
Vacker LLC, UAE carries out Portable Appliance Testing Service (PAT Test) in United Arab Emirates
What is PAT Testing?
PAT testing is the short form of Portable Appliance Testing which originated in UK in mid Eighties.
What is the Purpose of the Test ?
The purpose of the test is primarily to ensure safety of the user from Electrical shock in various daily life applications. The test need to be carried out on each and every instrument as a routine test and is not a sampling test.
What are Different type of appliances?
For the purpose of this test various electric appliances are classified as Class1, Class 2 etc.
Class 1 items are toasters, Microwave ovens, electric kettles, washing machines, hot plates, iron, refrigerator, heater etc
Class 2 equipment are trimmers, lawn mowers, power tools, electrical drills, food grinders, hair dryers, Televisions, DVD Players etc.
What are the applicable tests?
These are a combination of tests to find out whether all exposed metal parts of an equipment are well connected to earth so that even in case of an electrical leakage, the person who touches the metal part will not be harmed.
First part of the test is to visually inspect whether all visible parts of the electrical system are in good condition. For records, it is preferred to take photos and document for each equipment.
Second part of the test is testing the insulation levels so that possibilities of current leakage is minimized. Testing of current carrying electrical wires. This test is carried out to ensure that the wires of the equipment are with good insulation levels. Also the polarity of the wires are tested. I E C type wires can be tested separately as a single test.
Dielectric strength test is carried out by applying a very high voltage through the power supplying wires. All equipment are designed to withstand these high level of voltage for a short duration without breaking down the insulation.
Apart from the above, the PAT Test involves testing of Residual Current Device to check that the RCD trips at the preset level, typically 30 milli ampere.

What is the required frequency of PAT test?
PAT test is not a one time test to be done prior to the supply of the equipment. The test has to be carried out at regular intervals of one year for most of the products depending upon their usage, criticality, manufacturer recommendation, local regulations etc.
What are the testers and instruments required for carrying out PAT?
There are variety of testing instruments available, few of which are listed hereunder:
SEAWARD PAT tester model Apollo 500 or 600
Fluke 6000 series
Metrel Omega tester
Megger tester
Vacker U A E carries out PAT test for all commercial and industrial applications.
Vacker LLC
Dubai, UAE
Phone :+971 42 66 11 44
Fax : +971 42 66 11 55
Email : sales.uae@vackerglobal.com
