Bollywood DITCHING Sunil Grover's Mad In India ?

  • 10 years ago
While the rumors were ripe about Manish Paul quitting Sunil Grover's Mad In India, seems like we have now got some added trouble rolling on to the road! Wondering what we are referring to? Well, according to the recent update, this Gutthi venture is downing extremely low on celebrity quotient. Yes! That's true! It is believed that none of the celebrities are willing to shed their dates for this comic caper, hence hampering the TRP of the show! In fact, it is also murmured that the celebrities which Gutthi tries to rope in gets already taken by Kapil's Comedy Nights! isn't that turning out to be a huge flop show? With all the negatives lining up, what do you think? Is it time for Mad In India to go off air? Well, let's wait and watch, until then, you do give us your opinion in the comments section below and for latest Bollywood updates, don't forget to subscribe to moviezadda/Bollywooduncut!