U.S. aircraft joins expanded search for missing plane

  • 10 years ago

A U.S. Navy P8 Poseidon aircraft departed Perth, Australia on Friday (March 21), part of international search force looking for debris from Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 in the remote southern Indian Ocean, after the search effort failed to turn up any sightings early into its second day.

The search for the plane also continues in other regions, including a wide arc sweeping northward from Laos to Kazakhstan.

Authorities said the first aircraft to sweep treacherous seas, in an area some 2,500 km (1,500 miles) southwest of Perth on Friday, was on its way back to base without spotting the objects picked out by satellite images that sparked the hunt in that region.

The search for the plane also continues in other regions, including a wide arc sweeping northward from Laos to Kazakhstan.

Investigators suspect that the missing Malaysian flight, which took off from Kuala Lumpur for Beijing shortly after midnight on March 8, was