Time's up: Ukrainian youngster returns Putin's present

  • 10 years ago
In 2004, six-year-old Andrei Senko met Vladimir Putin when the Russian president visited Ukraine.

The young Ukrainian had won a competition. His prize: a presidential watch from Putin.

Ten years on, the 16-year-old says he is returning the prestigious time piece to the Kremlin in protest over what he sees is deliberate political meddling by Russia in Ukraine.

Addressing the Russian leader by video Andrei Senko said: “Vladimir Vladimirovich, I want to appeal personally to you. Since childhood I was raised to love my Motherland, Ukraine, and love my people. I’m a peaceful person. But if needed, I am ready to protect peace in my land. I remember your words about your dreams. You said that you wanted everyone to be happy and live in peace, But you have lied to me. For that reason I have to return your gift.”

The winning question, which asked the President what he dreamed about, was chosen out of 50,000 other entries by Putin.

Supported by his family over his decision to return the watch, Andrei called on the Russian leader to refrain from going to war.


