Fresh bomb attack provokes further unrest in Egypt

  • 10 years ago
There is further unrest in Egypt after a bomb targeted a military intelligence building in Anshas, a village around 100 kilometres north of Cairo.

Four soldiers were wounded and the building’s back wall was partially destroyed in an attack the army is labelling an act of “terrorism.”

Security sources have described Sunday’s bomb as an explosive device, while a state-run news station in Egypt said it was a car bomb.

It is the second bomb strike on military forces in the space of a week.

Around 350 police and soldiers have been killed in bombings and shootings since President Mursi was deposed.

His party, the Muslim Brotherhood, was recently declared a terrorist organisation.

One university student said he couldn’t sit his exams at Cairo’s al-Azhar University because Muslim Brotherhood supporters had blocked the building.

“The current situation is that we came here to sit the exam but students (who belong to the Muslim Brotherhood) closed the doors of the university,” said student Ahmed Ibrahim. “They have even burned the building therefore we do not know where the exam will take place.”

Police fired tear gas into the university to disperse a demonstration staged in support of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood.

Another student, Islam Ali, expressed his fears about the situation.

“We are all scared of the police,” he said. “We are unable to enter the building because of the Muslim Brotherhood students. And the police were unable to reach an agreement with them.”

In spite of the violence, Egypt’s army-backed government has said their political transition plan will go ahead as planned, with a referendum on a new constitution expected in mid-January.
