Australian police seize US$38 million of methylamphetamine

  • 10 years ago

STORY: Australian police have seized $38 million U.S. dollars worth of methylamphetamine in a raid on a property at Ourimbah on the central coast of New South Wales on Monday (December 23).

A clandestine laboratory was operating on the property where police seized chemicals used to make the drug.

Police said they found 37 litres of methylamphetamine oil ready to turn into ice and more than four kilos of crystal meth.

Police officers from New South Wales said they were "truly astounded" at the amount of precursor chemicals and other solvents they found in the lab, as it signalled the huge scale of the operation.

A 38-year-old man living at the property was arrested and charged in relation to the supply and manufacturing of prohibited drugs and money laundering, said the New South Wales Police.
