Car bomb and shooting in Yemen kill 20

  • 11 years ago

At least 20 people were killed in a car bomb attack and gun battle at the defence ministry compound in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, sources inside the complex said.

Witnesses to Thursday's (December 5) attack described heavy gunfire and bombs being thrown inside the compound's hospital.

The defence ministry said the attack targeted the ministry's hospital and most of the gunmen had been killed or wounded. It is one of the most serious attacks in the past 18 months.

Footage broadcast by Yemen TV showed the aftermath.

One witness said they heard the sound of gunfire, and then realised there were people dressed in military uniforms throwing bombs inside the hospital.

The gunmen killed a Western doctor and a Filipina nurse in front of their colleagues in the hospital, a medical and defence ministry source said.

Violence is common in Yemen, where an interim government is grappling with southern secessionists, al Qaeda-
