Middle Earth comes to LA for Hobbit film launch

  • 11 years ago
A combination of both dwarfs and elves mixed with a smattering of British actors at a Los Angeles premiere can mean only one thing - another instalment of a Tolkein adaptation is being launched; this time, it's the second Hobbit film 'The Desolation of Smaug'.

Unlike Lord of the Rings which was condensed to fit into three films, The Hobbit story has been eked out into a trilogy by including additional information from J.R.R. Tolkein's notes and writings. However, two elves, Legolas and Tauriel, who weren't in Tolkein's original book are being put front and centre of the production.

They were also the centre of attention at the premiere, where they discussed being recalled to set to do further action scenes.

SOUNDBITE Actress Evangeline Lilly (English), saying:

"Most of us were doing stunts every single day that we were there. That was very intensive, very fun, and I did as much as they would let me do. Then I would have to step down and be humble when they wou
