Michelle Obama inspects White House Christmas Tree

  • 11 years ago

First Lady Michelle Obama along with daughters Sasha and Malia were on hand to receive the White House Christmas tree on Friday (November 29).

Growers from all over the United States compete for the chance to have their tree chosen to adorn the White House's Blue Room. Typically the tree is selected from the farm declared the winner of the National Christmas Tree contest. This year's contest winner, Wyckoff Tree Farm, however failed to yield a tree tall enough to fill the massive space. Breaking with tradition, the White House chose a 18.5 foot tall tree from another farm as its official tree. It did, however purchase other trees from Wyckoff Tree Farm to decorate other locations.

The owners from both farms joined the First Family for photos outside the White House.

Michelle Obama noted that it would be the first Christmas for 'Sunny,' the family's new Portuguese water dog. Holding the new pup's leash, Obama leaned in to inspect
