Aid operations in full swing

  • 11 years ago
Aid operations for victims of Typhoon Haiyan are in full swing now as countries around the world continue to deliver supplies to devastated areas of the Philippines.

From the U.S.- an additional 10 million dollars in supplies and personnel bringing the total to more than 37 million.

South Korean military planes also arrived in Tacloban with supplies.

And after the planes unloaded their cargo- they were refilled with nearly 200 people trying to get out.

The country's rescue and recovery efforts- or lack there of- have come under fire with critics blaming Philippines President Benigno Aquino for being caught off guard and for a sometimes chaotic response.

During a tour of badly damaged regions he skipped questions about the relief response but did say he's trying to keep his own emotions in check.


"One is tempted to despair, but the minute I despair, then everybody, it cascades dow