• 5 years ago
THE WANDERERS performs the song "REMIND ME" for BalconyTV.
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Native to the Austin area, The Wanderers started in the fall of 2012 after Jeremy Boothe and Genevieve Davenport reunited from their high school years as Orchestra students. Genevieve invited Jeremy to a monthly get-together that she throws called "Drink and Ink". At the get together: poets, artists and musicians alike shared their work using a common word for a theme. After hanging out for some time Genevieve and Jeremy jammed out and decided to perform a few coffee shop gigs.

As their music progressed they asked there friend Aaron to sit in on lead guitar for a gig and they've been playing ever since.

"The idea of being a 'Wanderer' is to prove that despite the responsibilities and everyday stresses that occur in our everyday lives." "We refuse to let that bog us down from being free spirits and we take advantage of the gifts that are given to us."

Live Review, August 30, 2013:
Austin Tx is renowned for it's title as the Live Music Capital of the world- And it's latest Indie Folk incarnation is a testament to the uncompromising artistry of Austin's local music scene. Armed with catchy melodies, 2 part vocal harmonies and unrivaled lead guitar passages, The Wanderers seed poised to not only catch fire in the local music scene but potentially lead the scene to new heights all-together. What's more is the unusual instrument configurations employed by the trio, including Cello, Harmonica, Slide guitar, Seven String Guitar, and an improvised suitcase kick drum/tambourine combination - which singer songwriter Boothe implemented in order to create a full sound without the need for a rock drummer. This combination creates a pulsating southern folk sound with an emotional force reflecting the recession era generations angst merged the innocence of youth with an unapologetic flare of hopeful redemption and road-humming glory that I find heartwarming- and frankly- damn exciting! -Mark Driskle

Audio and video production by Capital Media Corp. Austin, TX
Producer - Joe Lynch. Sound Engineers - Nick Smith and Brittany Malm

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