child tracking device australia

  • 11 years ago
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I don't have to tell you that the world is a far different place to the one I grew up in and that is only 20 years or so ago! Our children have to navigate a far more dangerous world and also over the years the boundaries we allow (or at least have compromised to) have widened and deepened.

As our society also becomes more "blind" thanks to the ever increasing pace of our lifestyle and the reduction of face to face social interactions caused by the mobile phone, iPad, computers and other interpersonal devices, people just don't notice things, look out for each other or "stick their nose in" as much as they used to.

This means predators have more opportunity than ever to snatch away our children, sometimes from right under our noses! Predators and criminals are becoming more brazen and sadly as a result it seems as though abductions and kidnappings are on the rise. It also seems that when these abductions happen, the quicker the child can be found, the greater chance that the child is reunited with their parents unharmed and unscathed - the best possible outcome.

Not knowing the whereabouts of your child or children however is not just for the sinister realm of abductions and kidnappings. Whether we like to admit it or not, many parents or guardians have on at least one occasion, lost their child even if only for a few minutes. Think back to the absolute fear you felt and the sick to your stomach sensations that came over you. I know from experience how easy it can be to be separated from your toddler or young child even in such "safe" places such as a supermarket or cinema.

child tracking device australia
child tracking device australia

I remember one occasion where my family was at the world renowned Mt Isa Rodeo and one moment we were watching our child playing with another and then the next minute they were both gone! Frantically we searched the arena which was packed with thousands of people and I will never forget the intense emotions of fear and desperation I went through. We were on the phone to all our friends at the same event and thankfully, my son and his new buddy walked right by one of them while I was on the phone to her! A happy ending but one that could have been so very different under just slightly changed circumstances!

So what do we parents do? Cotton wool our kids and shield them from everything the world will throw at them? We know this is not the way. In this new age of amazing and advanced technology it pays to get the stunning advances in GPS tracking working for you and your peace of mind.

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