Woman Tests Positive for Rabies After a Bat Bite

  • 11 years ago
An unidentified lady in Canada was bitten by a rabid bat that was fighting with a cat. The woman reportedly wanted to break up the battle and save the kitty.

There aren’t too many people who would want to have a run in with a bat.

One woman in Lethbridge, Canada got caught in the middle of a fight between a rabid bat and a cat, and ended up with a bat bite. The woman reportedly wanted to break up the battle and save the kitty.

That kind gesture earned her a positive mark on a test result for rabies. She has received an anti-rabies vaccine.

Ever since the incident was made public, local health authorities have issued numerous warnings to residents. A medical health officer, Dr. Suttorp stated “Don't handle any wild animal, including dead animals. If there is any entrances to your homes, such as open windows without screens, try to close those off to prevent any animals, especially bats, from entering your home.”

Locals were also asked to immediately wash hands thoroughly if ever bitten or scratched by a wild animal before contacting their nearest public health office.

As for the aggressive bat, it was taken to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency laboratory. The bat was said to be the first in many years that tested positive for rabies in the Lethbridge area.


