DHOOM 3 First Look Teaser | Aamir Khan | Katrina Kaif | Abhishekh Bachchan

  • 11 years ago
Watch out for Amir's new look that is creating Dhoom
Mumbai: An ominously stormy sky, skyscrapers, choppers flying in the air and a topless man watching all this standing behind a window - this is the first look of the much awaited film Dhoom 3. It's dramatic and makes you curious.

Although the face is not visible, the man in the poster looks like Aamir Khan giving a glimpse of his well-toned body, something which audiences appreciated in his 2008 hit Ghajini. He is seen wearing a pair of trousers and has teamed it up with a hat.

Dhoom 3 is an action thriller, written and directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya and produced by Aditya Chopra. It will be the third installment of the popular Dhoom series. The film is scheduled for a Christmas release, an auspicious time for Aamir's films, and the poster's tag line proclaims: "This year will end with a Dhoom".
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