Rakesh Mehra’s next film launches Anil Kapoor’s son Harshvardhan.

  • 11 years ago
Rakesh Mehra’s next film launches Anil Kapoor’s son Harshvardhan.

Bollywood stars’s are privileged sons who have not to struggle for getting protagonist role in film. Director Rakesh Om Prakash Mehra will launch Harshavardhan Kapoor, son of Bollywood star Anil Kapoor and brother of Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor.
Rakesh Omprakash Mehra’s next film MIRZA SAHIBA will have new heroine that is Sahiba as character but search for heroine is still on . Rakesysh Omprakash Mehra has got Mirza as Harshavardhan Kapoor. Star’s children are born with silver spoon in their mouth.
Struggle for entry is usually very easy for them. Producers take star’s sons and daughters as their protagonists because of publicity hype too. Their films always remain in news because of popularity and stardom of their father and mother in Bollywood and audiences. They have to struggle as far as acting is concerned.
There are a series of examples. Abhishek Bachchan was launched with Kareena Kapoor by director JP Dutta in film Refugee. Sonam Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor had been launched by director Sanjay Leela Bhansali in film Saawariyan. Recently a flood sort of star’s children and their kiths and kins have been observed and they have been launched in Bollywood by big banners and directors. Alia Bhat, Shradha Kapoor,Arjun Kapoor,Parineeti Chopra and many more are in line.
Harshavardhan Kapoor is currently assisting Anurah Kashyap in film Bombay Velvet in Srilanka. Many star’s children start their careers as assistant directors of the big directors.
For them, grabbing this slot is easier in big banners.
Rakeysh Ompraksh Mehra will start with Harshavaardhan. Mirza Sahiba’s script is written by Gulzar saheb three years before, even before the start of his successful film BHAAG MILKHA BHAAG. Director Rakeyash Omprakash Mehra is upbeat , raised and moving after a lot of positive accolades and Box office result.
Harshavardhan Kapoor will be a new avatar in line of young brigade of stars for producers to start with these. But for middle and small budget film, producer does not have courage to sign these star’s children. They work in big banners with big directors only. This is really pathetic for those producers and directors who are passionate to work with them..

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