Al Qaeda reports leader killed by U.S.

  • 11 years ago
A senior al Qaeda commander, seen here in footage posted online in 2011, is believed dead.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Penninsula said a U.S. drone strike on Yemen had killed its second in command, Said al-Shehri, but did not specify when.

In a video message Wednesday another senior official offered condolences and congratulated followers on Shehri's martyrdom.

The Saudi native has been reported killed several times before, most recently in January when Yemeni authorities claimed he had died from injuries sustained in an operation by their security forces.

U.S. officials describe Shehri as one of the most important al Qaeda-linked militants released from Guantanamo, where he was detained in January 2002 after Pakistan handed him over.

Freed in 2007, he went on to become second-in-command of what Washington considers to be one of al Qaeda's most dangerous branches.
