Egypt government takes shape

  • 11 years ago
Egypt's new government began to take shape on Sunday, as the interim prime minister filled senior cabinet posts to lead the country back to civilian rule.

Among the first senior technocrats and liberals tapped to run the government was former U.N. diplomat Mohamed El-Baradei, sworn in as interim vice president.

Also on the cabinet -- Inas Abdel Dayem as culture minister, and Dareya Sharaf to head the information ministry.

In a sign of how important U.S. relations are for Egypt, a former ambassador to the U.S., Nabil Fahmy, seen here in file video, was named foreign minister.

But not everyone is confident rule of law is coming back.

A senior leader of the Muslim Brotherhood said some 240 jailed supporters of deposed President Mohamed Mursi had their detentions extended.

It happened, he said, in a closed prison hearing and lawyers were barred.


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