Egypt’s interim president announces stepped-up election timetable

  • 11 years ago
A temporary calm among supporters of deposed President Mohamed Mursi a day after 51 people were killed when troops fired on demonstrators protesting against his ousting.

Under pressure to deliver a rapid timetable to restore democracy, Adli Mansour, the judge named head of state by the army when it brought down Mursi last week, has decreed that a parliamentary vote would be held in about six months.

That vote would be followed by a presidential election.

Cairo resident Emad Abdel Aal applauded the move, saying early elections would help bring an end to the violence.

"I think the schedule we should undertake to end division and violence on the street is that we have elections in the fastest time possible, so that by the end of this year we must have a president, a parliament and a finished constitution, so that we can overcome the divided situation we have on the street now," he said.

There are conflicting reports why the army opened fire outside Cairo's Re


