Ranbir Kapoor & Sonam Kapoor reunited after six years.

  • 11 years ago
Ranbir Kapoor & Sonam Kapoor reunited after six years.

Bollywood is full of A-listers young heroes and heroines and they are flooded at Anil Kapoor’s bungalow in Mumbai Juhu for Bollywood young hero Arjun Kapoor’s Bash party for his Birthday. Sister Sonam Kapoor was looking a perfect host , receiving all the Bollywood glitterati, attending the party for wish Arjun Kapoor’s Happy Birth Day.
ISHQUEZAADE hero Arjun Kapoor has his 28th. Birth day celebration. On this grand and festive occasion, Deepika Padulkone,Priyanka Chopra,Ranveer Singh, Parineeti Chopra, Katrina Kaif, IMRAN khan, WITH WIFE AVANTIKAA, ALIA BHAT, VARUN DHAWAN, SIDDHARTH MALHOTRA, and Sonam’s hit film hero Dhanush ushered in party , shimmering, chirping, Wishing Birthday Boy Arjun Kapoor. However, one name should not be missing and he was very significantly appeared over there in the party and he is none other than Bollywood’s new avatar Ranbir Kapoor at Box Office. He is a loner star at young brigade , who can fetch audiences to the theatres globally..
Ranbir Kapoor had surprised all over there to attend the party and he looked so cozy and comfortable with his debutted film heroine Sonam Kapoor. Sonam and Ranbir both started their debuted film SAAWARIYA. Their chemistry in the film did not work and film SAWARIYA misfired badly at Box office. India’s great director Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s film had crippled badly for the first time. And war between two budding stars Ranbir Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor started surfacing with pelting worded-stones upon each other..This was really a bizarre occasion in Bollywood when parents of both stars Rishi Kapoor and Anil Kapoor had plunged into war. Anil Kapoor had taken a liberal stance to calm down the fire but Rishi Kapoor aggravated it out of proportion, saying Sonam was chasing his son…
After poor performance of film SAAWARIYA, RANBIR Kapoor had allegedly pelted a stone upon young emerging heroine Sonam Kapoor in 2010 , tagging, “ Sonam as “not sexy”. So Sonam retaliated with strong views against RANBIR kAPOOR on KARAN jOHAR’S CHAT SHOW .
When she was asked about apology. Sonam Kapoor had refused to apologize to Ranbir .
In an interview , Sonam Kapoor surfaced the things like this, “Well,It was Ranbir who started it all by saying “Sonam is not sexy”.I just shot back and said” Ranbir is not sexy”. If a man says it,chalta hai( it will do).. But when a woman says the same thing, nahin chalta hai( it will not do). That is sexist ! Why should I say “ sorry to him ? just because his father made a hue and cry about it? If Ranbir apolozies to me, I shall too.
Ranbir kapoor retorted , “ She is a bit of a drama queen but I like her.” Sonam also threw few words upon him,” I am an actress,darling.If I do not do drama , who else will.”
This war of words continued for long time and childhood friendship had gone down dormantly.

www.desicinemaa.com wishes to Arjun Kapoor a lately HAPPY BIRTH DAY..