India flood dead nears 600, thousands missing

  • 11 years ago
As the death toll from northern India's monsoon floods hits nearly 600, stranded survivors await rescue at a relief camp in the province of Uttarakhand.

Early monsoon rains sweeping through northern India have triggered flash floods and landslides, washing away entire towns and villages.

Officials warn the number of dead is expected to rise significantly, with tens of thousands now missing.

The home ministry says over 30 thousand people have been rescued this week.

But relief has yet to reach some of the affected areas, and tempers are starting to fray.


"For the last eight days people have been stuck here standing in queues. There are no facilities for water or food. And there is no way to get these people out of here."

On Friday, 23 more bodies were recovered here at Kedarnath shrine - one of the most revered in the country.

This year's monsoon has drenched the country in record ti