Time of change

  • il y a 11 ans
Let your feeling, intuition, and heart guide you...

Meditation on the Crystal Skulls:

Before me stands a crystalline, bright and shining portal lights miles
I visualize myself in my spiritual body and I'm going through this sacred portal
In space is a crystal skull with an aura of rainbow heaven, waiting for me
I sit in meditation on the floor and invites the Crystal Skull coming to me
The skull comes to rest gently in the palm of my hands and the light shines to me
I feel that the light surrounds me and fills me with deeper and deeper
I vibrate in unison with him, and I visualize myself connecting me with the 13 crystal skulls
The light that I get the crystal grows, transforms and cleanses all my fears
Suffering accumulated in the past are transmuted
Thus leaving room for only in the light of the depths of my being
I visualize myself as a being of light and love and contemplate in this sacred space
Then I thank the crystal skull and looks him to absorb in light space
I meditate on this experience and feel gratitude
Slowly I finished the meditation by returning to the sacred crystal portal.

Inspired by the book "The Crystal Skull
Compassion "by Klaire D.Roy
