• last month
T. Hakola-words & music, vocals, guitars, organ...
Laureline Prod'homme-bass, Tatiana Mladenovitch-drums & backing vocals
info/contact: www.theohakola.com


Blood is red
Snow is white
Water is wet
And truth is light

Elvis is dead
Day follows night
In a sauna you sweat
Fraught with trauma you might

Truth is or it isn’t and can hardly be plural
The point is to find it brooking no demurral
To cut through the sh*t and corner the conclusive
Let truth be our holy writ, no matter how elusive

Calling up Orwell to draw the line on fiction
On fantasy, fables, and wormy superstition
On pie in the sky and pious illusions
Oh Lord, give us science and cogent conclusions

Some roses are red
Some violets are blue
Some friends call me Ted
And one calls me Minou

The ice caps are melting and sea levels rising
And Trump gets way too much free advertising

Jerk’s a callow cretin a-cheatin’ and polarizing
And the debasement of his base is mesmerizing

Here’s me getting up on my high horse
There’s you lost in a drawn-out divorce
From fact-based reality as you’re disagreeing
With what your eyes tell you they are now seeing

With what your ears say has been said
And what your brain would know if it weren’t dead

Some states are red
Others true blue
But now our daily bread
Is spread with lies in orange hue

There were not “fine people on both sides” in Charlottesville
And if he ever gets his dumbass wall, Mexico won’t pay the bill
A Pinocchio of the people and a dumbass Putin puppet
He misleads like he breathes and his dumbass faithful love it


