• last year
T. Hakola- words/music, guitars, bass, piano, harmonica...
violin: Bénédicte Villain, drums: Zoé Hochberg
video artwork: Frida Faudot
contact/info: http://theohakola.com


The mistral blows...
like a bad fight in a bad dream
in a bad night in a bad scene
in a bad show on a sad screen
in the echo of a mad scream
while Boo Boo... Boo Boo advances her queen

She loves her queen, but goes down on her knights
Will even sleep with a bishop if she likes his looks
Fighting for her king, smiting any pawn that bites
she’ll coddle her corners frying prawns for her rooks
She’ll drill you with blacks or kill you with whites
with little to-do, old Boo Boo... will punch out your lights

The mistral blows and blows...
like a bomb the south to cleanse
a vicious means to purified ends
like the scolding voices of balding boyfriends
like a million choices and fashion trends
like a bad fight in a bad dream
in a bad night in a bad scene
in a bad show on a sad screen
or a torpedo homing in on a submarine
while Boo Boo surveys the board, unsheathes her sword,
and advances her queen

She loves her queen, but it’s victory her thing
and she’ll gambit her dame to get to your king
Fingers tipped with knives and daggers in her eyes
She’ll mow down your guys and watch you agonize
She’s a mean machine dancing over the squares
to catch you prancing in your worst unawares
Yeah, Boo Boo knows chess, will your queen decapitate
and with lethal address, Boo Boo will your king checkmate

The mistral blows and blows and blows...
like Sami snow, like ice floe prose
God huffing His puff, putting us in our place
strutting his stuff o’er the whole human race
like a bad fight in a bad dream
in a bad night in a bad scene
in a bad show on a sad screen
like a dying banjo down to one string
while Boo Boo runs your knight through,
and impales a bishop or two
killing your crew, kilning piece after piece,
she cooks every last one of your star-crossed geese
sculpting you blue and skinning you green... Boo Boo advances her queen
like a torpedo eye on a submarine, Boo lets fly her queen


