MRSS Importer Specifications

About this document


This document is a specification of Dailymotion MRSS Importer and introduces how Dailymotion gets content and metadata from content provider.

Reference Documents

XML 1.0 specification
RSS 2.0 specification
Media RSS specification

Dublin Core specification


RSS format

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a Web content syndication format. It is a dialect of XML and all RSS files must conform to the XML 1.0 specification, as published on the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) website.

MRSS format

Media RSS (MRSS) is an RSS extension used for syndicating multimedia files (audio, video, image) in RSS feeds. The format is used by content publishers to feed media files into distribution platforms.


How does it work ?

The Dailymotion MRSS Importer allows a partner to upload (and update) their videos, making them viewable and searchable on without any manual intervention.
The partner must provide :

  • a feed structured in the Media RSS format (with or without login/password)
  • access to the repository hosting their videos (with or without login/password)
  • the associated Dailymotion account name

Once a partner has submitted his video feed to Dailymotion, we will periodically retrieve the feed to identify changes and merge them into our platform (update of the content already on line and upload of the new content). The frequency should be defined by the partner and the imports will occur preferably overnight (Central European Time). The feed provided can contain all items for each import or only new or updated items.

Preliminary steps for providers

The partner must :

  • create an account on
  • upload a video to test the encoding compatibility

In return, the Dailymotion technical team will :

  • test the compliance of the technical elements (mapping of the MRSS feed elements, access to the servers)
  • configure the import for the partner
  • launch the first import with a limited number of videos for partner testing and validation
  • schedule the import : timing and frequency will be decided with the partner and the content manager, some technical considerations must be taken in account to avoid issues :
    • average file size of the source video (bigger = more time to download)
    • bandwidth available for download
    • average duration of the video (longer = more time to encode)
    • number of new media per import


Dailymotion supports multiple input formats and this specification introduces how to use the MRSS format.

Server should be accessible through :

  • HTTP(S) or
  • FTP(S) or
  • SFTP (you must add the port in each URL)

Import description (FTP Push/Pull - polling etc.)

Pull mode : (dailymotion ip)

Dailymotion MRSS Tags

XML declaration

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Namespace declaration

Media RSS
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="">

<rss version="2.0" xmlns:dcterms="">

Dailymotion RSS
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:dm="">

XML CDATA section

The term CDATA is used about text data that should not be parsed by the XML parser. A CDATA section starts with "<![CDATA[" and ends with "]]>".

<description><![CDATA[Description of the video can be up to 2000 characters long and can contain html tags]]></description>

Channel tags

Dailymotion RSS TagDescriptionValue typeMultipleExample valueRequired
titleName of the content providerstring Universal Pictures
linkWebsite of the content providerURL string
descriptionDescription of the content providerstring Universal Pictures is an American motion picture studio
lastBuildDateLast time the content of the feed changedRFC 2822 Wed, 10 Jul 2013 11:00:00 -0400

Item tags

Dailymotion RSS TagAttributeDescriptionValue typeMultipleExample valueRequired
title Title of the videostring Back to the Future*
description Description of the videostring Back to the Future is a 1985 American science fiction film... 
categoryscheme="urn:dm:channel"Dailymotion channel (list of values available)string shortfilms*
guidisPermaLink="false"Unique and persistent identifier for the video that should be the primary key in the content provider databasestring 12345_back_to_the_future*
dcterms:valid Date (or range) of validity of the videoISO 8601 start=2013-07-10T12:35+00:00;end=2013-12-21T12:35+00:00;scheme=W3C-DTF 
media:contenturlDirect link to the videoURL string
 widthWidth of the video (px)digit 1280 
 heightHeight of the video (px)digit 720 
 bitrateVideo bitrate in bytesdigit 3317 
 filesizeVideo filesize in bytesdigit 1326739508 
 durationVideo duration in secondsdigit 6960 
 typeMIME type of the videostring video/quicktime 
 langLanguage of the video ("en" by default)ISO 3166 en 
media:thumbnailurlDirect link to the thumbnail (max filesize: 5Mo)URL string 
widthWidth of the thumbnail (px)digit 1280 
heightHeight of the thumbnail (px)digit 720 
dm:posterurlDirect link to the poster imageURL string 
media:keywordsvalueRelevant keyword or a list of keywords comma-delimited describing the videostringxDeLorean, Time Machine, Back to the Future 
media:subTitlehrefDirect link to the subtitle file (.srt)URL stringx

 langLanguage of the subtitlesRFC 3066xen-us 
 type="text/plain"Subtitle typestringxtext/plain 
dm:contenttypeContent type of the video (list of values available)string movie 
media:categoryscheme="urn:dm:genre"Genre of the video (list of values available)stringxScience Fiction 
media:categoryvalueID (xid) of the Dailymotion playlist OR desired playlist namestringxx2qsde 
 scheme="urn:dm:playlist"URI that identifies the playlist schemeURI urn:dm:playlist 
dm:showvalueShow namestring Game of Thrones 
 seasonSeason number/namestring 1 
 episodeEpisode number/namestring 2 
media:copyright valueCopyright information for the videostring Copyright Universal Pictures 
urlCopyright URL for the videoURL string 
media:restrictionvalueCountry codes (space-separated)
For all countries : all 
ISO 3166 us fr  
 relationshipIndicates the type of relationship (allow | deny)string allow 
 type="country"Allows restrictions to be placed based on country codestring country 
media:ratingvaluePermissible audience to be declared
(adult | nonadult)
string nonadult 
 schemeURI that identifies the rating schemeURI urn:simple 
dm:visanumberVisa numberstring 60261 

valueOriginal title of the videostring Back to the Future 
languageOriginal language of the videoISO 3166 en 
countryCountry code of the videoISO 3166 us 
dm:releasedyearDate of release or productionRFC 2822 Wed, 03 Jul 1985 04:00:01 -0400 
Music Metadatas
dm:music_artist The name of the artiststring Ellie Goulding 
dm:music_artist_id The ID of the artist given by the labelstring id323234343 
dm:music_album The name of the music albumstring Holcyon Days 
dm:music_album_id Identify the album from where the music comes fromstring 1234-32131 
dm:music_isrc The International Standard Recording Code of the soundtrack associated to this videostring
dm:music_iswc The International Standard Musical Work Code of the soundtrack associated to this video


dm:music_upc The Universal Product Code of the soundtrackstring
dm:music_genre The genre of the soundtrackstring Pop 
dm:music_label The name of the record labelstring Sony 
dm:music_muyap The MUYAP ID (Turkish Phonographic Industry Society Identifier) of the soundtrackstring BXjVm33LBNCIGfS6GBNw4A== 
dm:music_track_id The ID of the track/clip given by the labelstring 4234234-23 
dm:music_itunes_id The ID provided by itunes for this soundtrackstring id483555052 
media:creditvalueFirst name and last name of the actorstringxMichael J. Fox 

Specify the role the entity played

string actor 
media:creditvalueFirst name and last name of the directorstringxRobert Zemeckis 
 role=directorSpecify the role the entity playedstring director 
media:creditvalueFirst name and last name of the producerstringxNeil Canton 
 role=producerSpecify the role the entity playedstring producer 
media:creditvalueFirst name and last name of the writerstringxRobert Zemeckis 
 role=writerSpecify the role the entity playedstring writer specific data
dm:privatevalueStatus if video is private or notboolean false 
dm:advertising_instream_blockedvalueTrue if the owner blocked instream ads on this video.boolean true 
dm:deletevalueDelete the video (source + encoded assets)boolean true 

Content management

Update content

  <guid isPermaLink="false">12345_back_to_the_future</guid>


Delete content


Adding this field to your feed will automatically delete the video from your Dailymotion account on the next update of the injector. You can add the field anywhere in the <item> section of the video you wish to delete. The rest of the feed can remain the same.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:dm="">
                <title><![CDATA[Universal Pictures]]></title>
                <description><![CDATA[Universal Pictures is an American motion picture studio]]></description>
                <lastBuildDate>Wed, 10 Jul 2013 11:00:00 -0400</lastBuildDate>
                    <title><![CDATA[Back to the Future]]></title>
                    <description><![CDATA[Back to the Future is a 1985 American science fiction film...]]></description>
                    <media:category scheme="urn:dm:channel">shortfilms</media:category>
                    <guid isPermaLink="false">12345_back_to_the_future</guid>
                    <media:content url="" width="1280" height="720" bitrate="3317" filesize="1326739508" duration="6960" type="video/quicktime" lang="en" />
                    <media:keywords><![CDATA[DeLorean, Time Machine, Back to the Future]]></media:keywords>

Music Metadatas

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:dm="">
                <title><![CDATA[Music channel]]></title>
                <description><![CDATA[Dailymotion Music Channel]]></description>
                <lastBuildDate>Wed, 10 Jul 2013 11:00:00 -0400</lastBuildDate>
                    <title><![CDATA[Music title]]></title>
                    <description><![CDATA[Music description]]></description>
                    <media:category scheme="urn:dm:channel">music</media:category>
                    <guid isPermaLink="false">my_awesome_guid</guid>
                    <media:content url="" width="1280" height="720" bitrate="3317" filesize="1326739508" duration="6960" type="video/quicktime" lang="en" />
                    <media:keywords><![CDATA[music, trending music, worldwide]]></media:keywords>
                    <dm:music_label><![CDATA[music label]]></dm:music_label>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:dm="">
                <title><![CDATA[Universal Pictures]]></title>
                <description><![CDATA[Universal Pictures is an American motion picture studio]]></description>
                <lastBuildDate>Wed, 10 Jul 2013 11:00:00 -0400</lastBuildDate>
                    <title><![CDATA[Back to the Future]]></title>
                    <description><![CDATA[Back to the Future is a 1985 American science fiction film...]]></description>
                    <media:category scheme="urn:dm:channel">shortfilms</media:category>
                    <guid isPermaLink="false">12345_back_to_the_future</guid>
                    <media:content url="" width="1280" height="720" bitrate="3317" filesize="1326739508" duration="6960" type="video/quicktime" lang="en" />
                    <media:thumbnail url="" width="1280" height="720" />
                    <dm:poster url="" />
                    <media:subTitle type="text/plain" lang="en-us" href="" />
                    <media:category scheme="urn:dm:genre">Science Fiction</media:category>
                    <media:category scheme="urn:dm:genre">Adventure film</media:category>
                    <media:category scheme="urn:dm:genre">Comedy</media:category>
                    <media:keywords><![CDATA[DeLorean, Time Machine, Back to the Future]]></media:keywords>
                    <media:copyright url=""><![CDATA[Copyright Universal Pictures]]></media:copyright>
                    <media:restriction relationship="allow" type="country">us fr</media:restriction>
                    <media:rating scheme="urn:simple">nonadult</media:rating>
                    <dm:visa number="60261" />
                    <dm:original language="en" country="us"><![CDATA[Back to the Future]]></dm:original>
                    <dm:content type="movie" />
                    <dm:product id="universal_back_to_the_future" />
                    <media:credit role="actor"><![CDATA[Michael J. Fox]]></media:credit>
                    <media:credit role="actor"><![CDATA[Christopher Lloyd]]></media:credit>
                    <media:credit role="actor"><![CDATA[Lea Thompson]]></media:credit>
                    <media:credit role="actor"><![CDATA[Crispin Glover]]></media:credit>
                    <media:credit role="director"><![CDATA[Robert Zemeckis]]></media:credit>
                    <media:credit role="producer"><![CDATA[Neil Canton]]></media:credit>
                    <media:credit role="producer"><![CDATA[Bob Gale]]></media:credit>
                    <media:credit role="writer"><![CDATA[Robert Zemeckis]]></media:credit>
                    <media:credit role="writer"><![CDATA[Bob Gale]]></media:credit>
                    <dm:released year="1985" />
                    <media:category scheme="urn:dm:playlist">x2qsde</media:category>

TV Show

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:dm="">
                <title><![CDATA[HBO - Game of Thrones]]></title>
                <description><![CDATA[It’s not TV. It’s HBO]]></description>
                <lastBuildDate>Wed, 10 Jul 2013 11:00:00 -0400</lastBuildDate>
                    <title><![CDATA[Game of Thrones - Winter Is Coming]]></title>
                    <description><![CDATA[Robert Baratheon (King of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros) and his Queen, Cersei Lannister...]]></description>
                    <media:category scheme="urn:dm:channel">tv</media:category>
                    <guid isPermaLink="false">12345_got_s01_e01</guid>
                    <media:content url="" width="1280" height="720" bitrate="3317" filesize="1326739508" duration="6960" type="video/quicktime" lang="en" />
                    <media:thumbnail url="" width="1280" height="720" />
                    <media:subTitle type="text/plain" lang="en-us" href="" />
                    <media:category scheme="urn:dm:genre">Fantasy</media:category>
                    <media:keywords><![CDATA[Winter Is Coming, Westeros, Ned Stark]]></media:keywords>
                    <media:copyright url=""><![CDATA[HBO]]></media:copyright>
                    <media:restriction relationship="allow" type="country">us fr</media:restriction>
                    <media:rating scheme="urn:simple">nonadult</media:rating>
                    <dm:visa number="89753" />
                    <dm:original language="en" country="us"><![CDATA[Game of Thrones - Winter Is Coming]]></dm:original>
                    <dm:content type="tvshow" />
                    <dm:show season="1" episode="2"><![CDATA[Game of Thrones]]></dm:show>
                    <dm:product id="hbo_got_s01_e01" />
                    <media:credit role="actor"><![CDATA[Sean Bean]]></media:credit>
                    <media:credit role="actor"><![CDATA[Michelle Fairley]]></media:credit>
                    <media:credit role="actor"><![CDATA[Peter Dinklage]]></media:credit>
                    <media:credit role="director"><![CDATA[Tim Van Patten]]></media:credit>
                    <media:credit role="producer"><![CDATA[Mark Huffam]]></media:credit>
                    <media:credit role="producer"><![CDATA[Frank Doelger]]></media:credit>
                    <media:credit role="writer"><![CDATA[David Benioff]]></media:credit>
                    <media:credit role="writer"><![CDATA[D. B. Weiss]]></media:credit>
                    <dm:released year="2011" />
                    <media:category scheme="urn:dm:playlist">x2qsde</media:category>


Video source settings

Standard Definition
Video codec Video resolution Video bitrate Video framerate Audio codec Audio bitrate Container
H.264, DivX, WMV9, progressive MPEG-2 640x480 (4:3) or 720x480 (16:9) 1,2 to 3Mbps 25fps AAC, MP3, WMA9, MPEG Layer 2 256 Kbps AAC or 320 Kbps stereo MP3 (ideal), 128 Kbps stereo AAC or 192 Kbps stereo MP3 (minimum); 44100Hz MP4, AVI, MOV

High Definition
Video codec Video resolution Video bitrate Video framerate Audio codec Audio bitrate Container
H.264 preferred, VC-1 acceptable 1280x720 (720p) or 1920x1080 (1080p) 2 Mbps minimum, 4 Mbps maximum 25fps AAC, MP3, WMA9, MPEG Layer 2 256 Kbps AAC or 320 Kbps stereo MP3 (ideal), 128 Kbps stereo AAC or 192 Kbps stereo MP3 (minimum); 44100Hz MP4, AVI, MOV

Content Type

Label Movie TV Show
Value movie tvshow

Dailymotion Categories

Label Animals Arts Auto-Moto Campus Celeb Funny Gaming Geek out Kids Lifestyle Movies Music News Sports TV Travel Webcam
Value animals creation auto school people fun videogames tech kids lifestyle shortfilms music news sport tv travel webcam

Dailymotion Genre for Movies

Label Drama Comedy Short film Documentary Romance Thriller Action Crime Fiction Animation Indie film Horror Black and white Family Music Adventure Musical Sports Mystery Science Fiction War film Fantasy Japanese movies Western History Film noir
Value drama comedy shortfilms documentary romance thriller action crimefiction animation indie horror blackandwhite family music adventure musical sports mystery sciencefiction war fantasy japanese western history filmnoir

Dailymotion Genre for TV Show

Label Drama Comedy Reality television Animation Documentary Sitcom Game show Science Fiction Talk show Fantasy Action Anime Adventure Soap opera Miniseries News Crime Fiction Romance Sports Variety show Thriller Music
Value drama comedy realitytelevision animation documentary sitcom gameshow sciencefiction talkshow fantasy action anime adventure soapopera miniseries news crimefiction romance sports variety thriller music

Dailymotion outgoing IP address blocks

The Dailymotion outgoing IP address blocks must be allowed on the remote server for HTTP/FTP:

  • For polling the MRSS feed
  • For downloading the files : video sources, thumbnails, subtitles etc.

Dailymotion outgoing IP address blocks:

  • / 21
  • / 23
  • / 23