Microsoft France
Sans Tabou #2 Numérique et éthique
il y a 3 ans
Sans Tabou #1 Plus aucun espoir pour la jeunesse, vraiment ?
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Sans Tabou #6 Q&A avec Carlo Purassanta
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Sans Tabou #6 Q&A avec Carlo Purassanta #1
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Sans Tabou #6 Q&A avec Carlo Purassanta #2
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Sans Tabou #6 Q&A avec Carlo Purassanta #3
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Sans Tabou #6 Q&A avec Carlo Purassanta #4
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Sans Tabou #6 Q&A avec Carlo Purassanta #5
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Microsoft @Vivatech Day #3
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Microsoft@VivaTech : The Innovation Tour
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Build and nourish your tech community now : 5 steps to start ! - VivaTech EN/FR
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Build and nourish your tech community now : 5 steps to start ! - VivaTech EN/FR
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Vivatech CEO Stories With Carlo Purassanta
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18th June - 12h-12h30 - EN_FR - Simplify hybrid meetings and boost multi-site brainstorming with Surface Hub 2S - VIVATECHNOLOGY
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Microsoft @ VivaTech Day#2
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Microsoft @ VivaTech Day#1
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16th June -14h-14h20 - FR_FR - HoloLens 2 & AI, a new era for BIM and Smart Buildings - VIVATECHNOLOGY (2)
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16th June -14h-14h20 - FR_EN - HoloLens 2 & AI, a new era for BIM and Smart Buildings - VIVATECHNOLOGY (2)
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16th June -11h30-11h50 - EN_EN - Impact of Schneider-Electric end to end traceability on sustainability - VIVATECHNOLOGY -
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16th June -11h30-11h50 - EN_FR - Impact of Schneider-Electric end to end traceability on sustainability - VIVATECHNOLOGY
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16th June - 11h-11h20 - EN_FR - Looking beyond the pandemic: how to achieve cyber-resilience ? - VIVATECHNOLOGY
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16th June - 11h-11h20 - EN_EN - Looking beyond the pandemic: how to achieve cyber-resilience ? - VIVATECHNOLOGY
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16th June - 10h30-10h50 - FR_FR - Transport On Demand: a sustainable solution for a complete transportation offer - VIVATECHNOLOGY (2)
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16th June - 10h30-10h50 - FR_EN - Transport On Demand: a sustainable solution for a complete transportation offer - VIVATECHNOLOGY (2)
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Microsoft Experiences Room avec Engie
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Microsoft Experiences Room avec Energy Observer
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Microsoft Experiences Room avec Beeodiversity
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Microsoft Experiences Room avec Accor
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VivaTech 2021 : Ready, set, go!
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Sans Tabou #5 : Le numérique peut-il accomplir la promesse d'une école pour tous ?
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