Dailymotion Engineering
Customer Story: Dailymotion & Portworx
5 years ago
Leveraging Go to improve the Stripe developer experience - Romain HUET - Paris API meetup #30 @Dailymotion HQ
7 years ago
Touraine Tech - Stanislas CHOLLET "From a french monolith to a worldwide plateform: a human story"
6 years ago
Touraine Tech - Conférences numériques (7)
6 years ago
Touraine Tech - Alexis Hassler "HTTP/2 en pratique"
6 years ago
Touraine Tech - Hubert Sablonnière "Documentation as code (expliqué à mon père)"
6 years ago
Touraine Tech - Audrey Garreau "Donner du sens a vos pages web avec schema.org"
6 years ago
Touraine Tech - D.Pilato "Les Vendredis noirs : même pas peur !"
6 years ago
Touraine Tech - Jean-françois Garreau "The cutting edge web is coming"
6 years ago
Touraine Tech - Benoit Prioux "10 conseils pour reussir ses premiers pas en DDD"
6 years ago
CSS Paris #7 @Dailymotion HQ (17)
7 years ago
An example of traceable and scalable logging across your services APIs - Léo UNBEKANDT - Paris API meetup #30
7 years ago
Using Go to build a REST API: yes, it’s a good match! - Vincent BEHAR & Mina GENDI - Paris API meetup #30 @Dailymotion HQ
7 years ago
Touraine Tech - JF.James "Don't be afraid by Jigsaw ! What's new with Java 9?"
6 years ago