BLTN or Better Late Than Never – is The world' first GlobaLocal Stand Up Comedy Show – spun off from India's hottest Late Night Comedy Show It Premiered on 19th May'2011. The Episodes are in English and Feature an irreverent Asian Take on Global News, Politics & Current Affairs. The show is absolutely “over the edge” and is crazier than MAD TV etc. It especially mocks religious bigotry and dumb Celebrity culture.
The significance of Better Late Than Never is that this is the first Asian show that satirizes the WEST – this show holds a Third World Mirror to the First World and humorously depicts how Asia perceives the Developed World.
The significance of Better Late Than Never is that this is the first Asian show that satirizes the WEST – this show holds a Third World Mirror to the First World and humorously depicts how Asia perceives the Developed World.
Fried Religion Burgers - Episode 13 - Better Late Than Never - Late Night Comedy BLTN
vor 11 Jahren
Pope Vampires & Underage Sex
vor 11 Jahren
Religion is Just Bad Weed
vor 11 Jahren
Steve Jobs - Circumcised God
vor 11 Jahren
Ronald McDonald - Psycho Analyst
vor 11 Jahren
Better Late Than Never GlobaLocal Comedy Show Trailer
vor 12 Jahren
Anonymous Identity Episode 12 - Better Late Than Never - Late Night Comedy BLTN
vor 12 Jahren
Who is Anonymous
vor 12 Jahren
Romney Vorous Ambitions
vor 12 Jahren
Revolting Travolta
vor 12 Jahren
French Circus
vor 12 Jahren
Italian Job Episode 11 - Better Late Than Never - Late Night Comedy BLTN
vor 12 Jahren
Indian Italians
vor 12 Jahren
Leo Without Deo
vor 12 Jahren
Who Let The Legs Out
vor 12 Jahren
Australian Lady Rapist
vor 12 Jahren
Singing with Geetanjali VJ
vor 12 Jahren
Right To Offend Episode 10 - Better Late Than Never - Late Night Comedy BLTN
vor 12 Jahren
Most Offensive Humor
vor 12 Jahren
Breast Therapy for Mens Fitness
vor 12 Jahren
Strange Choices
vor 12 Jahren
Debate Your Ass Off with Mitt Romney Sikh New York Cabbie
vor 12 Jahren
10 Things I Learnt From Pornography
vor 12 Jahren
Vicious Cycles Episode 9 - Better Late Than Never - Late Night Comedy BLTN
vor 12 Jahren
Idiot Cycle
vor 12 Jahren
Bottom Insurance
vor 12 Jahren
Breast Scandal
vor 12 Jahren
All Star Weather Trio Sarah Palin Barack Obama Rick Santorum
vor 12 Jahren
Naked Truths Episode 8 - Better Late Than Never - Late Night Comedy BLTN
vor 13 Jahren
JLO vs Britney Naked Faceoff
vor 13 Jahren