Turkey says time for action on Syria long over due

  • 11 years ago
On Saturday twin bomb blasts rip through a Turkish town near the Syrian border killing 46 people.

Now Turkey is accusing a group linked to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of carrying out the attacks.

Syria has called these unfounded allegations.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu in Germany says action on the crisis in Syria is long over due.


"We regret that the Security Council of the United Nations has not done its job and we can see how a tiny spark has now turned into a serious fire. For two years the Security Council has shown it does not care about the Syrian people, about Turkey's security. The international community has not come up with any measures, this is not acceptable. The Security Council of the United Nations must take position now and explain where they stand."

Now Syrian refugees in Turkey fear for their future once again.

