Capital Hill's Reaction Jan 11 2007

  • 17 years ago
January 11 2007

This is news bits from CNN & MSNBC on Capital Hill's Reaction to the Bush "Surge" into Iraq.
It's not just the Democrats that are angry about this, but also the Republicans.

Per Washington Post and ABC News polls indicate that:

61% of Americans OPPOSE to the lastest Iraq Plan
39% of Americans agree

Bush took the USA to Iraq under FALSE PRETENSES, and Bush is keeping the US there under FALSE PRETENSES.

This has got to stop.
Below is a petition from Senator Harry Reid
I doubt Bush will ever listen.
And that's a shame, because that's ALSO going to hurt his so-called legacy..

No Escalation - No Way

Dear President Bush,

On Election Day, America spoke with one voice about its desire to end the war in Iraq. In the weeks and months since, members of Congress from both parties have urged you to heed the will of our nation and propose real change. Regrettably you have chosen to ignore the will of the American people. Concern about your escalation strategy is non-partisan. It is opposed by Democrats, it is opposed by Republicans, it is opposed by top military leaders, and it is opposed by an overwhelming majority of the American people.

Democrats, Republicans and the bipartisan Iraq Study Group have all offered you a roadmap to turn Iraq over to the Iraqis, begin the phased redeployment of American troops and end our open-ended commitment to Iraq. America doesn’t need another White House P.R. campaign -- we need a real change of course in Iraq.

Read / Sign the petition here:
