• 5 years ago
Politic Live performs 'Ellipsis' for BalconyTV Edmonton
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Welcome back folks! Thanks for returning to Balcony TV Edmonton! This week we have an amazing performance from Edmonton's kings of hip-hop, Politic Live, and I can shamelessly say that we spoil you all because this video is special.

Now before we get going, you may notice that we are on a different balcony. It's true, we opted for a different location this time around, but before you get all upset with us, and accuse us of being neglectful and unfaithful to our beautiful home balcony, know that the condo is alive and well, and receiving plenty of attention and love. Worry not; we will be back there, but we needed some space to accommodate Politic's full backing band. And I will say it wasn't easy. We had some serious scrambling to do in order to get the roof-top prepared for a full band, but after all the last minute purchases, scrambling for plug-ins, power outlets, microphones, mixer-boards, hauling the instruments and amplifiers up four flights of stairs, all under a relentless Edmonton sun; we were finally ready and Politic Live knocked it out of the park (as they always do.) I could try (and fail) to say something witty about the experience but it is best described simplistically. Watching them perform, surrounded by friends, new and old, on a beautiful day, the music seeping over the rooftop onto an unsuspecting street below, it was one of those great moments that you realize there is nothing better you could be doing. Get lost in the rhythm and pat yourself on the back for participating in something righteous.

Politic Live has been championing socially-conscious hip-hop in Etown since 2002, and joined us to promote their brand new record, Ellipsis, their first album in six years. They've been nominated for a lengthy and diverse amount of awards throughout Canada, which they have played from coast to coast. Without sounding too sentimental, I can safely say they are one of Edmonton's musical cornerstones, and we at Balcony TV were immensely privileged to witness this performance. Visit PoliticLive.Com to learn about the band. I demand you do so because checking it out will make your life better. Promise!

As always, I've blathered on far too long when really there's only one thing to say: enjoy! Thanks as always for coming back to Balcony TV Edmonton!


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