How Craft Fairs Can Make You Some Fast Cash
  • 11 years ago

You Can "Make Bank" With the Right Presentation at Craft Fairs. Being at craft fairs is the best marketing strategy out there for new craft businesses. You have a booth; you need to concentrate on making that booth attractive to potential buyers.

When we talk about craft fairs, we mean "real" craft fairs. The vendors who come to these craft fairs are those who have found a unique product that they make themselves and they sell those products to the public.

Do Low Fee Craft Fairs First
You should begin selling your crafts at some smaller local craft shows at first, then move your way up to the top-rated shows. Local craft fairs will have more reasonable booth fees, and some may even offer free spaces in exchange for an item to be donated for a raffle.

How To Sell At Craft Fairs ebook on Kindle:

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