Monks Accused of Grave Robbing

  • 12 years ago
Monks have been accused of grave robbing and using skull fragments to make talismans.

Five people in Thailand were recently arrested for stealing human skulls from graves.

A 39-year-old monk and a 13-year-old novice monk were among the five arrestees. Police discovered approximately 350 skull fragments in the suspects’ possession and they reportedly admitted to robbing three graves.

They used the skull pieces to make love talismans, which are objects that supposedly convey magic powers. The monks worked with the other men to sell the talismans in Hong Kong, as the pieces could make anywhere from $32 to nearly $100 each.

The profits were reportedly used to buy drugs for personal use. Earlier this year, a grave robbery in New Jersey garnered attention.

Thieves reportedly stole the corpse of a 98-year-old woman who died in 1996. The body was taken from a mausoleum, where the remains of five other people remained untouched.

To the shock and horror of residents, police issued a statement revealing that the robbery may have been a part of cult activity.
