The Watcher: Episode 2: "Mr Thompson"

  • 12 years ago
Gwen runs into Mr. Thompson, Avalon's English teacher, who always seems to be watching for Gwen. But is someone watching him?

A compelling hybrid of ‘INCEPTION’ meets ‘24’, ‘THE WATCHER” is a disjointed, fast-paced, mind bending, techno-thriller. Dark cracks appear in Dr. Gwen Clarke’s ‘perfect’ life, as she begins to experience increasingly vivid and disturbing flashbacks of a forgotten and mysterious past, her terror increases and dreams begin spilling over into her waking hours. As Gwen’s perceived reality begins to shatter and splinter around her, she discovers that someone sinister is watching her every move – using hacking, ultra modern surveillance techniques and her online footprint, they are shadowing her every step. Gwen’s only route is to face the conspiracy head-on, as she begins to suspect that even those closest to her may not be all they seem. In an increasingly dangerous race to uncover the mystery, Gwen must make increasingly desperate actions to uncover the truth and protect her daughter at all costs. Told in an intriguing non-linear structure, The Watcher challenges the viewer to piece together the strange narrative elements that form this cautionary tale of modern technology and how it allows others access to tap into and manipulate our deepest, darkest secrets…
