Finally! White House Releases Obama Beer Recipes

  • 12 years ago
Bowing to popular demand, President Obama reveals the secret recipes for his homemade brews. See the White House kitchen staff in action..

Full Story:

Bowing to growing pressure from thirsty and curious Americans in both parties, the White House on Saturday finally released the recipes for President Barack Obama's homemade beers.

However, the key ingredient may be tough to come by - the President prefers honey-flavored brews, and the honey comes straight from the White House's first-ever beehive.

Obama bought his home brewing kit last year, becoming part of a growing movement: the American Homebrewers Association now boasts almost 30,000 members.

And although George Washington is known to have brewed beer at his Mount Vernon home, President Obama is thought to be the first to make it in the White House.

The recipes were released as Obama heads to campaign in Colorado, a swing state that embraces small, independent beer producers.

Last month, the President told a man in Iowa that his campaign bus was stocked with White House beers, and even shared a sample.

Since then, the White House's online petition site known as "We the People" has been flooded with requests for the recipe.

Obama's opponent in the November election, Mitt Romney, belongs to the Mormon faith, which shuns alcohol.

But the Republican Party could still tap voter interest - its vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan hails from Wisconsin, a major beer-making state, and he has professed affection for micro-brews.

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