• 12 years ago
Enough is enough.

Oil & gas companies have been given the go ahead by the NB government for shale gas exploration & hydraulic fracturing. Leases have been granted all over the province , and well pads set up as close to Sussex. Moncton's air quality and water supply *will* be affected. The most current studies prove that fracking for shale gas contaminates the water supply,releases methane & pollutants into the air and is the cause of seismic events and earthquakes.

Countries across the globe have banned hydro-fracking for shale & most recently, Nova-Scotia put a 2 year hold on the process. Why on earth are we going ahead in NB? This is not Alberta. We rarely stand together as a community but there is nothing more important than the safety of the water in your tap and the air your breath in every day.

Let's stand up together, let's scream, let's tell the NB government that we will not stand for the destruction of New-Brunswick as an alternative to provincial deficit. What is the cost of cancer, asthma, contamination cleanups, or reduced property value? This is not a debate, this is a protest. Stand with us or get out of the way. It's a fight for our most basic human rights, and for the legacy we're going to leave in this province. Free Police Fire and Ambulance SCANNER, listen in , shoot it , upload it , and watch the discussion, be sure and invite Friends & Family to Newschaser Group...just click on the little speakers to the left opens in new window, listen to 1 or all 4 at once. Thanks to Jeremy Quillian let's see if he can hit number 1 in North America for most listeners AGAIN :)
