How It Works
  • 12 years ago
( A short introduction to some of the ideas/thoughts that further explain what the Creation Class is all about. Because of the enormity and power of the techniques/gifts that you will learn in the class, a certain level of conduct is necessary, and as such, this class is not for everyone. Also, the list at the end of the video is also in the library on the website under 'Worksheets'. Here is a simple exercise that will be very enlightening for you: Use a timer either on your watch or your phone and set it to go off randomly during the course of the day. When it goes off, immediately take account of where your mind/thoughts are, what you were thinking about. If you don't know it means you were 'unconscious' and running on autopilot. And if you do know where your mind/thoughts were, chances are they were either in the past or the future, not in the present. Time to take back what's ours.