American Tourist Goes to Jail After 400 Caipirinhas in Rio de Janeiro

  • 12 years ago
American Tourist Goes to Jail After 400 Caipirinhas in Rio de Janeiro - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

Rio de Janeiro is one of the most exciting cities in the world with an opportunity to party anytime you want. You don't have to wait for the carnival here to have a good time.

Copacabana is a popular beach and many tourists stay in this area.

Robert Scott Utley from America was one such tourist but seems like he took the idea of having fun in Rio de Janeiro bit too far.

According to Folha, he had nearly 400 caipirinhas during his hotel stay, averaging about 30 a day.
Close to his departure, in order to avoid paying the hefty bill, he left the hotel a day prior to his scheduled flight.

The authorities tracked him down at the airport. He was sent to US consulate after being held in jail for some time.

MSN News notes that he claimed he couldn't pay due to his credit card number being stolen.

Caipirinhas, a very popular drink in Brazil, is made from sugarcane rum, lime and sugar.

It also happens to be the Brazil's national drink. So "when in Rome, do as the Romans do" seems to be a decent defense, although it's highly doubtful locals drink 30 of them in a day.
