The Calgary Stampede and how to lasso

  • 12 years ago
The 100th Calgary Stampede is due to take place in Alberta, Canada on the 6th of July. It will bring people together from all over the world. Not only does it includes rodeo, chuck wagon racing and a parade, it also gives you the chance to see the world’s finest lasso experts.

Kateri Cowley is a true cowgirl, having grown up on a ranch in the heart of cowboy territory, Alberta, Canada. The 26-year-old is a former Stampede Princess, and has even had the pleasure of teaching actor and adventurer Charley Boorman how to use a whip while he was in Canada filming his recent Extreme Frontier programme. In this video, filmed in London, not only does she give a lassoing tutorial, but she also takes on, manages to rope herself a cowboy – whilst blindfolded!