A Devil in Disguise - The Committee of 300 and Assassination
  • 12 years ago
Traces origins of black nobility and modern globalist oligarchy, and leads into discussion of the plans of British royalty and Rothschild Zionists for genocide and world domination. Not as far-fetched as you might think. For background by an expert historian see Webster Tarpley's work here - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xpnfts_webster-tarpley-in-studio-origins-of-the-house-of-windsor-thirst-for-power-1_people

You may also want to search for the "secret treaty of Verona", a revelation in the Congressional record of the black nobility's secretive agreement to wipe out democracy and free speech in Europe. The terms Guelph, Black Guelphs, Venetian Nobility, Phonecians, Canaanite Khazars, are all practically the same for historical reasons and lineage, so you may wish to search these. Historian Webster Tarpley has called the Venetians "a conveyor belt" for Babylonian religion and culture into Europe. The Babylonian king Nimrod, you may recall, is a Biblical prototype Antichrist.