No Red Face Formula Review by Jessie B

  • 12 years ago Hi my name is Jesse and I would like to give you my review of the no red-faced formula. It's great because it cures what we know as Asian glow. This is when Asians like me commonly get that bright red face when we drink alcohol. This bright redness not only occurs on our face but I'm parts of our body as well. Even worse than that the Asian close sometimes causes itching congestion nausea and headache. Can you relate? Well if you do you need to check out this Asian glow cure the no red-faced formula. It is basically a home remedy guide full of natural ingredients you can get at any health food store so it is really easy. The way I use this as I take the no red-faced formula recipe about an hour before I go out drinking and I no longer had to deal with the embarrassment or uncomfortableness of the Asian glow syndrome. You should definitely check out the no red-faced formula it is only $37 and it comes with a 30 day guarantee.