MusicDishTV Presents "Titanic" by Steve Orchard

  • 12 years ago
Steve Orchard's video "Titanic" from the brilliant new age, instrumental music album "Undersail" begins with a ghost ship, slow harp introduction, waves, and a scene of a lone diver with rays of sun shining onto the ocean. Viewers will become captivated by pictures of this grand ship being built. Initially, the deck and wheel of the ship are first shown in pristine condition, but as the video continues, it becomes one big wreckage at the bottom of the sea while the music guides you along the journey, tugging at your heartstrings all the way.

The video and track allow you experience many difference feelings as you listen as secrets come to light and your mind connects to the music via images. The video is fascinating, and the pictures are touching and thought provoking. Strong percussion and a steady piano and harp grab you by the emotions and never let go as you feel yourself becoming part of the story, which is indeed a tragic one, but one that must be told nonetheless. It ends as it started, but with an ominous harp, and the waves are the last sound you hear. "Undersail" will be released by AD Music on CD and MP3, and available from iTunes and other major online retailers on April 13th.
