7 Habits of Personal Development by Emmanuel Yankson OFFICIAL VIDEO
  • 12 years ago
Emmanuel Yankson has taken all the most successful techniques for self-improvement and combined them with unique insights he gained while struggling to build his life from nothing. He has distilled this knowledge into the concentrated genius of THE 7 HABITS OF PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT.
Within minutes of reading this book, you will want - and be able - to apply its clear, direct and indisputably effective principles to your own life.
Finances, work, health, relationships, sports, or creativity - all can be vastly improved by using Emmanuel Yankson's powerful life-tools.

• Discover and focus on your core genius - be better at what you do best, and be a huge success at the things you enjoy most.

• Become the happy, successful person you know you are meant to be - without burning out.

• Yankson's principles are simple, but the results you'll achieve will be extraordinary.
For more information: http://www.7habitsofpersonaldevelopment.com