What the Qur'an says about the Bible corrupt or uncorrupt?
  • 12 years ago
Is the Bible truly God's Word ? Who wrote the Bible ? Was the bible corrupted as Muslims claim? Representing the Muslim perspective was Nadir Ahmed: Nadir is a Muslim apologist backed by the Islamic Center of Peoria, He has held debates with figures such as Matt Slick, David Wood, Sam Shamoun, Dr. Richard Carrier and Dr. James White. Representing the Christian side was Sam Shamoun: Sam is a Christian Apologist , Debater and Evangelist, Born in Kuwait, Sam moved with his family to the US at the tender age of 2 years old. Sam's religious upbringing was based on the teachings found in most Assyrian homes, the Church of the East (more commonly known as the Nestorian Church). Mr. Shamoun lectures and teaches across the country and is a regular guest speaker for many leading missionary and Christian education organizations. The Topic of Debate: What the Qur'an says about the Bible corrupt or uncorrupt? Nadir Ahmed (www.Examinethetruth.com) vs. Sam Shamoun (www.Answering-Islam.org) For further information on upcoming or previous debates click here http://www.examinethetruth.com/WhatsNew.html 