Stagehand TV-ETC Ion Lighting Console-1

  • 12 years ago
With the ease, power and operational style of Eos in a small, affordable package, Ion’s small footprint – 19” wide only – is the perfect solution for space-challenged environments and small venues. Providing fully integrated control of conventional and moving lights, Ion packs a punch.

Elegant, highly intuitive and simple to use, Ion will satisfy the needs of beginners and pros alike. But you don’t need a PhD in Ion to use it! Start with the everyday (channel 5 at full) and let the full potential of Ion – like the powerful effects package, marking and timing functions – unfold with your experience. And it’s an easy step from Ion to Eos, so the knowledge gained will work for you professionally for years to come.

* Welcome
* Operating Conventions
* Hardware Connections
* IFace Panel Layout
* Fader Configuration
* External Monitors
* Channel Display
* Flexi
* The Command Line
* Playback Status Display