Bed Transitions

  • 12 years ago
Bed Transitions. Episode 833 is brought to you by BabyBjorn.

Parents will freak out about a lot of things, but transitioning from a crib to their own bed doesn't have to be one of them. Most kids make the jump at 1.5 to 3.5 years old, but they will make the transition much easier "when they are ready." So how do you know when they're ready? Size is a great indicator, as well as whether or not they can (and will) climb out of the crib. If they are talking about a 'big kid' bed, they're ready. And night time potty training isn't going to work in a crib either.

The next question is what size bed? Again, it depends on the child. Some will move right into a twin bed, some will prefer a smaller "toddler" bed. There are lots of choices in bed styles. There are themes like princess, boat or racecar beds, or simply small versions of larger beds. Convertible cribs/beds can be pricey up front, but the value is in years of use. Gro Furniture has a great model that starts as a crib, transforms easily into a toddler day bed, and finally a nice work desk, all without tools or complicated instructions.

Allowing your child to help pick out the bed and the linens will help give them some ownership, and help with the transition process. Safety is still an issue of course. If your child chooses to go with a regular twin bed, rails on BOTH sides of the bed are important, even if it's against the wall. Without that wall rail, they could wedge themselves between the wall and the bed whilst squirming in their sleep. It's also important to take down the crib once the new bed is in place, to eliminate any confusion.

Patience is key. Your child WILL wake up and get up in the middle of the night. They may just play in their room, but more than likely they're going to wander to your bed. Helping them back to their own bed each time will be challenging, but eventually, they'll understand and the transition to their own bed will be complete.