Suicide car bomb attack in Mogadishu

  • 13 years ago
A car bomb exploded yards from the Turkish embassy in the Somali capital Mogadishu , the latest in a wave of deadly attacks in the coastal city.
Officials say three people were killed and eight injured in the blast. No one was hurt at the embassy.
The district commissioner said the bomber was forced out of the vehicle just before the explosion occurred.
Hodan District Commissioner Ali Dhabaray, saying (Somali):
"Somali police forces captured the car before it exploded. They ordered the man to remove the explosive device but he detonated it,"
It is not immediately clear who was behind the attack but the al Shabaab rebel group has intensified the frequency of suicide attacks in Mogadishu since its withdrawal from most of their bases in the capital in August.
Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters.
